As you may have read last week, I've finally finished the screenplay for Awkward Silence. I'm excited to get the ball rolling on this project, I have a feeling that it will stretch me in new ways. The only way to get better at something is to push yourself beyond your comfort zone.
The team is slowly building, first with Alex Dunn signing on to be DP (Director of Photography). We've already started to toss around ideas on the look and style of the film. Luckily we have similar tastes, so if I tell him how I want to express the scene visually, he'll already know what kinda shots and movement I'm looking for. I feel this will give me the chance to experiment with the camera and truly be able to rely more on the lens than the dialogue, when it comes to expressing how the characters feel and what's going on inside their heads. Last week I was able to sit down and meet with the lovely Laila Hajjali of White Pants Production. I am happy to say that Laila and her company have agreed to produce my film. I believe this is a good fit because we have worked together in the past and have produced many quality products. I also admire her determination and go getter attitude when it comes to working in the industry. She takes her work seriously and knows how to buckle down to a project. That's what I need, a producer who will see this from beginning to completion. Already she started asking all the right questions before I even had to say anything. We haven't begun casting yet, but I have already placed a casting call on This is where I found my talent for Culture and I believe I will find the talent needed for Awkward Silence. In the coming weeks we will meet and plan out when to hold auditions, look for locations and figure out a shooting schedule. We still have a long ways to go, but I feel confident that this short film will be completed by the end of the year. -Manuel Montanez
October 2015
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